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Traffic Bowl 2018 UPRM Team 

Traffic Bowl 2018 UPRM Team 

During the Summer of 2018 I had the opportunity to represent my university and Puerto Rico in the Traffic Bowl Competition at the Florida Section Institute of Transportation Engineers Summer Meeting. Our team came in second place.  

TRB Annual Meeting 2019

As part of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program scholarship I had the opportunity to present my master's research project at TRB Annual Meeting Poster Session. The title of my project is "Exploring Determinants of Students' Travel Behavior in the Face of Parking Scarcity Problems". 

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1st International Congress of Engineering and Surveying / Pan American Federation of Engineers Societies (COI2NAR/UPADI 2019)

As part of my duties as president of the ITE UPRM Student Chapter 2018-2019, I participated of the First International Congress of Engineering and Surveying / Pan American Federation of Engineers Societies (COI2NAR/UPADI 2019). The activity was dedicated to the transportation field and I had the opportunity to talk about the different activities the ITE student chapter offers to our UPRM community. 

Presentations at UPRM transportation events

The Departments of Social Sciences and Civil Engineering, and the Center for Applied Social Research of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez invited me to serve as a lecturer in the event entitled "Dimensions on habitability, urban mobility and transportation in the UPRM".

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